22 December 2021
SGNIC would like to thank all parties who submitted their proposals.
List of proposals received:
Casatic (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Quantum Consultancy Services Pte Ltd
S & I Systems Pte Ltd
The ITQ has been awarded to Quantum Consultancy Services Pte Ltd at a value of $7,400.00.
19 November 2021
SGNIC is pleased to announce the Invitation To Quote (ITQ) for the Provision of a Managed Two Factor Authentication Solution for a Windows Domain Controller with the option to renew the maintenance and support contract for a total of five (5) years.
The closing date for submission is 29 November 2021 04:00pm.
Please email
[email protected] to obtain a copy of the SGNIC-Q-21016.
Please provide the following mandatory details when requesting for a copy of the SGNIC-Q-21016.
ITQ reference no.: SGNIC-Q-21016
Company name:
Email address:
Contact number:
Thank you.